

Perth, Western Australia


Profile Information:

About Me:
I absolutely love dogs.

I am interested in conformation showing, herding, agility and flyball.

My dogs are very loved members of my family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Elle - Swedish Vallhund born 26th June 1997. The most gentle, bombproof, stubborn, cheeky and loving dog to grace this planet. Died 9th June 2010.

Sarge - Pembroke born 12th October 2005. He is a red and white nbt with a floppy ear. He loves walks, water and dirt. He learns very quickly and loves to work but also loves the couch.

Ziva - Pembroke born 20th May 2007. A long-coat red and white girl with a long fluffy tail. Incredibly agile and athletic and very loving. She died on the 6th September 2008.

Daina - Pembroke born 7th May 2008. Daina is my little pocket rocket. She plays hard and she plays a lot! She has lots of energy but thankfully she does have an 'off' switch and is happy to laze about and snuggle on the couch or relax in the garden. She likes to show her love and give you little kisses or climb into your lap. Daina thinks she is a princess and likes to be treated like one.

Muddy - Pembroke born 22nd April 2009. Mud is a long-coat red-headed tri. He is so cuddly and has the sweetest temperament. He and Daina are joined at the hip. He is ridiculously fluffy, especially his pants and tail but his coat is gorgeous and it suits him because he's such a pretty boy. More beauty than brains for this one.

Lucy - Pembroke born 1999. Wonderfully kind old girl with the sweetest nature. Lucy had degenerative myelopathy and was put to sleep on October 23rd 2012 after the DM and other health issues became too much for her.
I have:

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  • John Wolff

    Hey, we here in USA need more tail photos.

    Oh, and you're supposed to post a cute warning before uploading pics like that one of Muddy.

  • chocky

    Hi !
    Long time no msg! :)
    I was just wondering if u knew sandy was still breeding corgis? I kind of lost touch with her since I got Jett from her.
    Hope u and the dogs are doing well!:)
  • chocky

    I wanted to see the corgis at the show but didn't get a chance to as I was working during the week :((

    I'm so sorry to hear about your foster!
    There was a corgi cross at the Melville pound that I was going to adopt but unfortunately he wasn't very social and I'm not sure what happened to him :(

    We were thinking about getting a third but as my two are now, I don't think I could bear having another naughty pup lol so I think I'll work on the two I have now until their well behaved and under control first. Haha