Ashley and Hazel

37, Female

Cleveland, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Denton, TX
About Me:
I'm an assistant teacher for one of the local elementary schools. I work in a CDC classroom and bring Hazel to work with me as a reward for my students. :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a corgi mix pup named Hazel, born 10/29/09. She got her name from the "H" on her chest (I took her to work and my students voted on her name). Her mom was half boxer and half american staffordshire; her dad was a cardigan welsh corgi. She's a doll! I use her in my classroom and am hoping to have her registered as a therapy dog when she's old enough to go through the required testing. :)

The following is a list of commands she knows. First listed is the one or two-word command, followed by an explanation:
** Come
** Sit (she knows this one in sign language and spanish as well)
** Lay
** Stay
** Up (stand on back legs)
** Up-Up (jump up... she can jump and grab things that are eye level with me and I'm 5'5 lol)
** Down (back to standing position from jumping, or get down from whatever she's on)
** Find it (we hide her toys & she smells them students LOVE this one!)
** Bring It (if ya don't tell her to bring it, she'll toss it around and play fetch by herself!)
** Drop It (we're working on dropping it in the person's hand as most of my students are physically disabled and have limited mobility)
** Leave It (you can get onto her all day, but unless you tell her to "leave it", she'll keep messing with whatever it is she's not supposed to be touching)
** Kennel (one word and she goes trotting in there. she loves her kennel)
** Out (she leaves the room)
** Go away (lol, she'll walk about 5 feet away and sit and look at you)
** Outside (she'll go outside or stand at door at wait for you to let her out)

She does EXCELLENT with the kids at work. She's not scared of the walkers or wheelchairs. I have one kid that was terrified of dogs and fell in love with her. He'd call her over, pet her, then kick her (not hard, though!) and yet she'd come running back to him EVERYTIME he called her name. It was too adorable!
I have:
Corgi mix

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