Cynthia Slater


Sonoma, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My Corgi's eyes constantly exude pink "stuff" from several places on his conjunctiva, top & bottom. Both eyes. This is severe, his eyelashes come out with this gooey/bugger type discharge. The fur at the outer corner of his eyes stays wet and is causing fur loss & reddened skin. I've tried everything I & my Vet. can think of, I took him to an eye specialist which cost $500.00, but produced no results. When I got him from the breeder, he had THOUSANDS of small gray ticks that were attached to every available space on his conjunctiva, as well as the rest of his body. She had given him a tick bath before I arrived, and they were falling off, except around his eyes-I pulled those off immediatley! Please help me help Sam- he is my sweet love. Sincerely,
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Please see above; also, (Sam is 5 yrs. old), he tore his acruciate linament to his back left leg, and on X-ray it's pulled away from his hip, also noted at this time was Hip Dysplagia. Non-surgical because of arthritis. He's just completed weight loss program- successfuly. He can walk around a long block, then he wants to get in his "ride" (I rigged a stroller to fit him) as my Border Collie needs more walk. He's on Gabapentin daily, Tramadol 3x/day, stool softners, Omega 3. He is such a handsome, loving, sweet boy, stoic, never complains or grumps around~ he's got this great smile no matter what happens. Please help my Spiritual Being zipped up in a Dog suit~ Corgi dog suit!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Cynthia and Sam! Sidney also has hip dysplasia, he had surgery two years ago. The eye problem sounds horrible. If you have not already, post it as a discussion where more people can see it. Poor little guy, it must hurt but they sure don't show it.