Chase's World


Austin, Tx

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm finishing up my last undergraduate year at a small private university, after which I'll begin work full time at a national accounting firm here at the Austin office. I've owned no small variety of pets, right now being satisfied with just my ball python and my beautiful Pembroke, Chase.
About My Corgi(s):
Chase was born on leap day, February 29, 2008. I had been interested in corgis for upwards of a decade, and had finally come into a lifestyle that would lend itself to dog ownership once again. I lucked out when I found Chase. At almost five months old, he's already the smartest, quickest learning dog I've ever owned. He's also the first non-mutt I've ever had. Every time I see him, it honestly still amazes me that he's mine. I get a ridiculous amount of pleasure out of spoiling my animals, and can't wait to have Chase as the best-trained dog I've ever owned. . . before he even hits one year.

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  • Cheryl

    I was able to grap my phone and get a picture! I couldn't believe I got it either! She is the pre rinse cycle on the dishwasher. Chase is so cute! I wish I had two!
  • Sarah C.

    Hey, come join our Texas Corgi group!
  • Rachel

    Sleeping pups are the cutest, great pics