

Hingham, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love working with animals. I trained our corgi all by myself, and also work with horses and training them as well. At first, I didn't really want a corgi, because i had always wanted a big dog like a Newf or Great Dane, but I realized that these dogs are truly big big dogs in little bodies. I got Eoinn as a birthday present (I know I know) when i was 16, and it was one of the best moments in my life! knowing that this dog was mine to train and take care of gave me a new responsibility that I had never felt. We got him and he was sick, with fur missing from under his eyes, but none the less, the first thing he wanted to do when we got him home, was play fetch. I am so happy to have him in my family, and he has truly been a blessing!
About My Corgi(s):
I have one Corgi, whose name is Eoinn. He is about 1 and 1/2 years old. He is the sweetest dog I've ever had! He isn't a barker, but will alert us when the doorbell rings. Ever since the day we got him, he has been obsessed with playing fetch. We didn't even have to teach him! He is currently in the process of becoming a visiting dog to hospitals, and when playing catch with him, he has naturally learned to nudge the ball to us when we can't reach it, which could come in handy in visiting circumstances. He has been the best dog ever, and everyone loves him.

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  • Jane

    You may get 2 comments from me. I tried to leave one a few hours ago and it disappeared to the unknown.

    So Welcome, Hannah. I hope you will be interested to come to one of our group playdates sometime in the spring. We have people who come up from RI. And some from Maine. In good weather the trip is not so bad.
    If you would like to be on my contact list, send me a message I will give you my email address. June (Alias Jane Austen)
  • Kristen

    We got each of the Corgis at different times. Lizzie as a puppy five years ago, Fergie a year and a half ago, Brodie almost a year and Fern (Rescue) last August. I don't think it took away from the individuals. They play so well together and I make an effort to spend time alone with each of them. since I work full time it is nice they they are never alone. Just like children...it seems like it opens your ability to care just a little bit more. Four Corgis is a bit insane, but I think two works very well. When we got our Rescue Fern, I took all three of the gang with me to meet her. To see if there was going to be chemistry. They accepted her immediately. I would recommend bringing the two together on neutral territory...just to see how they interact. It doesn't mean they will be best friends right away, but it is important to see if there is any excessive aggression. Even if they are fairly indifferent to each other, that is a good sign. You can expect some jealously...from both. Corgis thrive on attention and each wants it all. Good luck Hannah. Let me know what you decide. I think it is nice to have two.
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy New Year! & Welcome to MyCorgi.com