
36, Female

Jacksonville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Jacksonville, FL
About Me:
I love playing with my corgis, going to the beach, going out in the boat, scuba diving, traveling, experiencing new things, and spending time with friends and family. I especially love taking my pups on vacation when I can. :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have two Corgi's: Scout (the older brother) and Bindi (the little sister)
I have:

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  • James

    It was worth spending an afternoon there. The spanish-lake (or whatever it's called) is a pretty nice hiking trail thats very dog friendly, just be sure to bring water because you cant get anything there.
  • Grace, Cason and Luna

    What side of town are you on? How old are your corgis? Am looking for playmates for mine for play dates.
  • Grace, Cason and Luna

    Hi there - we are in East Arlington too. Maybe you can stop by one day. Will email ya!