Lilly <333


Las vegas, nv

United States

Profile Information:

Las vegasssss baby
About Me:
My name is Peyton and i have 2 dogs. A Australian cattle dog (blue healer)named LUCY that i have had for about 8 years...I have been dying to get a new friend for Lucy and decided i wanted a corgi! So for my birthday which was dec 3 of last year,i got to pick out lilly! We have had her ever since she was 8 weeks old!
About My Corgi(s):
Well hello! My name is lilly, im single and looking for a boy thats just my type! ;) I like to run around the house and chew on things! When i was little i used to bite my owners,kinda funny. I love my family and home! I get treated like a little princess :)...i love them,except for when they try to put me in the pool! Im hyper almost 99.9% of the day. Im a very loving dog, i like to give my family hugs,really! and kiss and cuddle with them all the time! Grass is like heaven, i love to roll in it and..sometimes eat it, but dont tell peyton i said that...other than that i just like to have can call me lilly or some nicknames my family calls me such as: billy, billy goat,dizzy,dilly,beeb and lilly pew wich there is a song for heres how it gos. Lilly pew lilly pew what are they feeding you.. :) i like to get down to that jam.

Ps: your girl lilly!

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  • CaptainCorgi

    What an adorable little girl! She has such a sweet face. :-)
  • Bob Dog

    What a cute face!
  • EvilTwin

    Lily is soooo cute!