
Stillwater, Oklahoma

United States

Profile Information:

Stillwater Oklahoma
About Me:
I LOVE corgis, I've always wanted one, and now I recently own one! He was 8 weeks old when I got him. I decided to name him Butters. =) Hes very playful and a blessing in my life.
Lets see...I'm a Christian. and I'm 22 years old. I was voted most random in High School, I can bark and sound just like a dog, I can burp ANY time I want. I always pour my milk in my bowl BEFORE my cereal, and I drink coffee with a straw! I can say my ABC's backwords SUPER FAST! hehe!
I like Disney movies, video games, anime, reading, drawing, and working in the bakery, raquet ball, poker, kid things, and lots of other random stuff =D
I got the corgi Disney movie called "Little Dog Lost" on ebay. I recommend this movie to anyone! It's AMAZING!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Butters was 8 weeks old when I got him on Thursday August 30th, 2007. He was born on the 4th of July! He is VERY playful. I bought him for 150 dollars, and he was worth it. He doesn't have much white on his mussel, but I don't mind that. He loves his chew toys, and he doesn't bark at night. =) Yup, he's a keeper. I taught him to sit in less than 15 minutes. He is now potty trained! He hasn't forgotten the command since then! Very smart pup!

I have:

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  • Mark

    WISHBONE!!! AHHH!!! I loved Wishbone growing up...too bad he passed away a few years ago...he was a cute Jack
  • Amanda and Todd

    Thank you :)
  • Chewie

    Thank you! Butters is super adorable and has such a happy demeanor. Both of our corgis don't have that much white on their faces!