Peanut and sarah

41, Female

Hayward, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Hayward, CA
About Me:
I do marketing for a health care company. When I'm not working, I enjoying spending time with my corgi. I first learned about corgis through a friend who owned one. Since then, I've been in love with the breed. Peanut is my constant companion and shaddow.
About My Corgi(s):
Peanut is my first corgi and dog. He was born 6/21/2007 on a small ranch here in CA. My boyfriend and I drove to the farm and hand picked him. Peanut was one of the largest out of the liter, and definitely the MOST active. Peanut enjoys playing fetch with pretty much anything. If it can be tossed, he'll be sure to catch it and bring it back for more action. He also enjoys bellyrubs and liver treats. His pet peeves are doorbells and stray cats.

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  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Happy Birthday!!!!!
  • Melissa Bee

    Hi, Peanut and Sarah. We hope you're doing well. Daisy says "AAArrrrrrooooo!" "Me, tooo!" reminds Skeezix!!

    Melissa Bee and the pack
  • Rachelle N

    Is Peanut a Cardigan? She is sooooo cute!