Christina & Vicki

38, Female

Orlando, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Orlando, FL
About Me:
I'm 21 years old and go to UCF! I actually just have my 2 cats that live with me, but one day when I'm done with college and actually have time to take care of a dog, I will get a Corgi of my own :) Vicki is my mom and our 2 corgis, Dingo and Mia, live with her in Titusville.
About My Corgi(s):
Dingo is our 2 year old Pembroke. We saw him one day when we were out shopping and just couldn't say no! He's super active and was always the spoiled baby, until Mia came along. We got Mia (Mimi) right before Christmas from a good friend who had studded out his beautiful fluffy corgi. He had actually asked us before she was born if we wanted one of his babies, but we said "oh no, we just can't have another dog." wellllll...... then we saw Mia in person and just had to have her! She's a joy! Dingo loves her and it's really calmed him down. I think he needed another doggy friend, since his only friends were cats.

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  • Frances

    Both Dingo & Mia are beautiful babies!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Christina and Vicki, Dingo and Mia are adorable. Picture number 25 had me cracking up with the sunglasses on the rear end, lol, great picture!
  • Laura Jones

    very pretty dogs.