Gina and Zak

Profile Information:

About Me:
This is my husband and I's first corgi! We have had her since she was a baby. We have completely fallen in love with the breed! They have such great personalities and a spirit about them! We would love to get another corgi friend for rosa some day! Her favorite friends to play with at the park always seem to be another corgi!
About My Corgi(s):
Rosa is a 1 1/2 year old corgi, who is full of life!! She is a very happy corgi who loves her toys, chasing her kitty friend Idgie. She loves making up games, the latest game is stealing socks and stashing them under our bed this seems to be a new favorite . Rosa's favortie activity is playing soccer with my husband Zak, she is getting pretty good .She also enjoys a good belly and neck rub! She ia a wonderful addition to our family and is always making us laugh!

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  • Sam

    Gina, yes she is barking now like it would be an instrument of prey/excitement. She is not yet sure of the noise, smells and change of dynamics in he home. You may do well to invest in an exercise pen and put it near where you tend to the baby frequenly. The will let her see all the interactions but keep her confined nearby. It has been a short time since the baby has been there and Rosa is such a youngster yet. I really think it is a case of a new and strange being in the home.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    How is Rosa adapting to the baby?
  • Lisa P from WV

    Rosa is sweet! I hope things are going well with her and the baby now! We didn't get Zach a puppy until he was 6. Our mix was his birthday present so I'm sorry I have not advise on the baby dog situation! Hopefully it's resolved for you now! By the way, I used to work for United Health Care and I had to go to Minnesota for training once...I love the Mall of America...what I saw of it anyway...I saw the Lego models that was neat!!! Do they still have that in there?
    Lisa P from WV