Renee Kovacs


Northville, MI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am self-employed and enjoying every single minute of every single day.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ed is 6 yrs old, and has taught me much about how to live a good, clean & honest life!
I have:

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  • Michelle

    What a good looking guy!!!
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Sounds like you had a good day with Ed. I don't know mine would want to herd, they play til they drop with my brothers dog. They do sometimes herd my son and his friend, when they are playing. Gracie herds Gunner when he plays hockey with my son. Pretty funny watching her actually. Instead of nipping at his heels she actually grabs his little hind leg, almost like it is a chicken leg!! But I could never use a shock collar, yikes! The woman you spoke with was that for the Howell or Hines park? Hopefully we will get an Indian Summer and plan an outing.
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Hi Renee, So how are things going? I hope we get a chance to get together soon. And if it doesn't work out for this fall to get a larger group together, maybe we could plan something for next summer. The reason I shy away from shock collars is our Otto was quite the stubborn guy in basic training and we used a German pinch collar. He did well with it, trained no problem. But about 2 years later, when ever he would hear the noise of the collar he would run for his kennel. But I did see the trainers use a shock collar with an aggresive dog and it didn't seem to bother him.