penny spencer

United States

Profile Information:

davisburg, MI
About Me:
I'm really a beginner with computers so patience please, I'm still learning.
I'm a retired floral designer and love to garden. I have 3 children,
18, 21, and 23! This site looks very cute and interesting.
About My Corgi(s):
I have a rescued Akita, Penny who is approx 6 years old. Roscoe is our
little corgi boy, a tri. He's just over a year old. Roscoe is hydrocephalic
which means he has excess cerebral spinal fluid. The breeder failed to
tell us this. He's adorable but has lost his sight which doesn't seem to be a problem for him except for bumps and thumps. Unfortunately, the one symptom these little guys have is that they can't be housetrained! Yep, I wipe up approximately 25 puddles a day. The steroid he takes to decrease the fluid in his brain causes excess urination. It can get me down but he's so cute and we're lucky he's lived this long. The neurological vet couldn't believe he's made it so far. Every day is a blessing with little Roscoe. Sorry to be so wordy. It's just good to share with other corgi lovers. Thanks.

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  • Kristen

    OK not good to have Audrey break her ankle, but at least you get her home for a while! Must have been a bad break. When does she leave for Denver? So far away. Sarah is back at school and I miss having her home. My husband is still out of work I wish he wasn't home so much!

    Poppit (new blind Corgi) is doing great. Doesn't run into too much--mostly the other dogs. Like you said it seems that they have an extra sense about those things. I still hold my breath when she is running with the dogs in the front yard. She has become my velcro dog and is developing her Corgi attitude. She still has a way to go on her people social skills. She is just afraid of new things and people. I might take her to Petsmart this weekend and see how she does out and about. She came from a rescue organization ( 7 Bells Sanctuary) in Missouri. It is too bad they don't have a way to neuter Roscoe without using a general anesthesia. I wonder if his aggression may be more from the steroids than his hormones...although a combination might make things worse. What kind of aggression? Roscoe seems to be an amazing little guy and has beaten the odds so far. It is interesting seeing him in his pictures holding his head so high. Poppit does that as well. I wonder if they do that so they don't bump their noses into things? You will have to post a picture of Bazel with his funky haircut. Glad the antihistimines are working out. did you find something other than Benadryl? How is Penny?

    How is your dad doing do they have the blood pressure problem figure out? You certainly have your hands full! Take care. Maybe we will have an opportunity to meet in the future. Take care.--Kristen
  • Kristen

    Sorry about Penny. I think you are doing the right thing. I would think all the testing would do is stress her out. Comort and love is all any of us can ask for. Too bad I don't live closer. I would love to help you out and watch the dogs. Maybe you will be able to make a trip out later. If you need a place to stay half way you can always come to our house. Kids are funny. They want their independance, but then when our focus falls off them they have a hard time handling it. Sarah gives me a hard time about my Corgi obsession...but I think she understands...don't know how life would be without all that unconditional love...Fern must be a barker as well. She barks when ever she gets excited and that includes meal time. It is a bit of an annoying bark, but she is such a sweet girl otherwise. Poppit has started talking to me. She gets so excited when I get home she barks and then roos...Kinda cute...for now anyway. I'm with you a nice quiet weekend away would be wonderful.
  • Kristen

    North Platte is about 4.5 hours from us in the western part of the state. We live near Lincoln and Omaha on the eastern part of the state. Your husband probably drove on the interstate so he was pretty close to use when he went throught the eastern part of the state. What is the reason Audrey is moving to she going to school? How far is Denver from you? We are about nine hours or so. I hate the empty nest! Could be why I have so many dogs! The offer is always on the table for you to stop and stay at our place on your way to visit Audrey. Poor Bazel, if its not one thing it is another. Are the torn ligaments from the Great Dane attack? Hard to believe Roscoe is three. He is just defying all the odds. Fergie turned three in June, but didn't get a pizza! Craig is still out of work and it is a stress at so many levels...Not sure how long this is going to go on. I'm not always handling the stress well. We see Sarah about every weekend...mostly at Softball games. She is looking forward to a weekend home with no games. Me too! Can't believe that we are almost through September. I went and bought a new orchid so I could prolong my "flower season" I have several orchids, but none are blooming so I got one full of buds! Makes me smile! Hope to see Emily soon. I hate to think I have to wait until Christmas. Darn these kids with their own lives! How is your dad?--take care--Kristen