Bryanna !



United States

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About Me:
Many things have happened since I visited MyCorgi.. My Baby Bella died. We were paving the driveway and she just got too close to the road. I cried. My mum cried. Even Leland cried.

We now have a new tricolour baby, Chloe. We are certainly keeping her in line. And she is every bit as prissy as our Bellsy was.
About My Corgi(s):
Cara is my honey bunches of oats. He is smart, furry and so concerned about everything.
Chloe is my newest baby. She isn't as stubborn as Cara--she is rather easy going in fact, but she isn't as cuddly.
And my dearest departed Bella. I miss her so much. No two Corgis are the same, for sure. The poor girl had sensitive skin and stomach issues and everything else, but she was so full of energy and love!

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