Bobbi & Penni


Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska

United States

Profile Information:

Omaha, Nebraska
About Me:
I live with my husband and our Corgi, Penni on 40 acres west of Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska. We have 2 sons, grown but still living close by. My husband is from upstate New York and I am from Omaha, we moved out here in the mid 90's to experience rural life. (My husband, being from a rural farming area in upstate NY, wanted to move out of the city) Our boys went to a one room school house until Junior High (or Middle School, depending on where you live!), then went to school in Cedar Bluffs. A small town (around 600 people). We love our little acreage and plan on staying here for quite some time!

Penni is 8 years old, born in Nov 2004.

Penni has a brother, Zeb, a Saint Bernard. His birthday is June 6, 2008. He is 4 years old and weighs around 160lbs. I have posted pictures of them together!
Penni is our first Corgi, and I'm sure not our last! I love their little quirks and I think they are just so adorable! I am hooked!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We got Penni from a nice family just west of Cedar Bluffs, she was one of 9 puppies born to her mother, Nellie, but only Penni and her brother survived. She is such a fun companion! So much energy! We love her so much!
I have:

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  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    thanx for the invite!!love your pics of the pooches!!leaving in a couple hours with the shakedown trailor trip.we had to be at the airport to pick up our daughter &son inlaw by 5:30 this a.m.,so our leave time from home will be a little later.thanx for the step advise.
  • Amy Rehnstrom

    Thanks for the welcome! Penni is gorgeous!!!
  • mitzi


    I have a corgi In Grand Island.  And am looking for more corgi owners in NE.  Are you linked up with any folks?  I'm looking for a good breeder in Nebraska.

    Thank you
