Becky H.


Burnsville, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Twin Cities, MN
About Me:
My husband and I have 2 dogs... a Corgi named Midget (aka Midgee) and a Shih-tzu named Brownie. They are both about 4 years old. We have a new addition to the family. Our baby girl Sophia Grace was born in April 2010!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We adopted Midgee from the humane society in Feb 2008. We wanted a buddy for our Shih-tzu Brownie.
Midgee and Brownie are like brothers now.
Midget is kind of a bully and likes to assert his dominance, but they get along well.

They wear each other out, which is definitely nice : )

Midgee LOVES people! He greets everyone that he meets with open ears, ready for scratching. hehe

He's a good dog. I'm glad we were able to be his "forever home"
I have:

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  • Michael Guille

  • Laura K.

    It was great seeing you guys too! I can't believe how big Chloe's gotten. I remember thinking that she was so little next to Midgee last fall. I hadn't thought she'd gotten that much bigger, but they're about the same size now! I'm sure we'll see you there again soon. :)
  • Laura K.

    We were very scared but Chloe is doing much, much better. She lost a bit of weight at first and was really run down the first 48 hrs we had her back, but she's her normal, silly self again. :) Sorry to hear that he got giardia, that's yucky. I always worry about the water with Chloe since she loves going in and drinking it, but we've had her there so often and never had had problems. *sigh* Hopefully no one else's dogs got it. We need to organize another corgi get together at Alimagnet sometime...maybe after a good frost to kill off some of those yucky bacteria!