

Kent, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
24, female, new first time owner of a Pembroke. I'm a "stay at home mom" so I can spend time with him and make sure he's raised right. Haha.

I also own a Manx cat, who I've had since his birth, named Cryshade. He's getting up there in his years. He's a hunter and my parents love it when he brings them rats and mice. I'm also an amateur photographer who is working on getting a new camera. Some days the photography works, other days not so much. I still do my best though.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Male named Leon (nicknamed Stubbs) born March 19th of 2008. Red, white and freaking adorable.

He's not too keen on water, dislikes going outside when it's raining, gets annoyed at sprinkler systems and hates taking baths even more. Recently however, we found that he enjoys the beach and will spend as much time in the water as he can. I'm not sure if the change was because other people were in it too, or if there was some other motivation involved.

I've found it funny that I've ended up with a corgi. Have never been much of a dog person, and as much as I loved Ein off Cowboy Bebop, I just couldn't ever see myself as getting one because their stubby legs bothered me for whatever reason. When I saw him though it was love at first sight and I excitedly got to take him home the next day. Don't mind the stubby legs one bit. Plus I seem to have a thing for the natural bunny bumps on my pets. ;)
I have:

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  • Deanna

  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    thank you for the response:) i am going to get a pair for me and pair to raffle off at the 2009 Florida corgi picnic. My guy is only 3 weeks old today, so he's got a while till he can wear them lol
  • Katie Martinson

    Hi! I live in Federal Way and I'm looking into getting a corgi puppy but I'm having a hard time finding information. Where did you get your corgi from? Thanks! :)