Wynne Phillips

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Beacon, NY
About Me:
I have 2 dogs-a corgi and a mixed breed. The corgi is "Gus" (Augustus Caesar) and the mixed breed is "Pearl". Gus is 4, and Pearl is 10 weeks, so she is a handful! We had another dog, Sandy, a mixed breed, who recently passed away at the age of 15. She was a wonderful companion, and I give her all the credit for us continuing to want dogs in our lives!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gus (really Augustus Ceasar!) is a 4 year old Pembroke Welsh corgi. We got him from a breeder in Pennsylvania. He is a sweetheart, and VERY smart. He can be bossy, too!

I have:

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  • Izzy

    Lilibet is grateful for the 10 on her dive! She hopes to have another good season this year. Swimming started today in the Severn River. She is exhausted and clearly has to work on her endurance.
  • Laura

    Hi Wynne! Do you go to any dog parks in the area? I would love to go to or organize a Hudson Valley corgi meetup!
  • Sarah Miller

    I totally agree. .. Gemma needs some Corgi friends to play with so she can leave our poor cat alone, lol.