
Profile Information:

chicago IL
About Me:
Sister - is owner of corgi
About My Corgi(s):
I spent the weekend at my sisters in Chicago. ANd it was a living hell
Her new dog , 1 year old corgi was out of control. Can you help her
he would chase you pull at your pant leg and not let go, you could not
keep your feet on the floor because he would be nipping at your feet constantly. He plays very rough and get a whole of a toy and wont let go. iron jaws. sometimes when play he nips your arms, your feed, your stomach anything, and breaks skin sometimes. almost complusively. what can she do.. he is victimizing the entire family and guests - I hate to see this dog have to be given away. I think he has potential to be a sweet dog - but how much damage has been done? Please help us..

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Julie! What you want to do is establish ground rules with the corgi, everyone in the family must be on board. When the corgi starts nipping or any other bad behavior, say OUCH! stand up and not pay attention to the dog, when he's calm, resume. Also get him on a daily walk, drain his energy level, bribe him with treats and the corgi will do everything you please :)
  • Cindi

    Hi Julie and welcome! Sam T has some great suggestions. I'm a dog trainer by profession and I'd be happy to help further. Drop me a corgi-mail and we'll talk.
  • Cindi

    Hi Julie. There are a couple of important things: 1. Do as Sam T says and get that corgi walking. Learning to establish leadership through the "walk" is absolutely imperative. 2. Get ahold of a good positive-based trainer and stick to the training. Using any kind of aversive training is simply reinforcing negative behavior. Email me at cindi_g@comcast.net and we can get into detail on this stuff. I don't want to see another corgi become over-aggressive because of an owner.