Susan S.

San Francisco, CA

United States

Profile Information:

San Francisco, CA
About Me:
First-time corgi owner. So excited!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Søren is my new corgi pup. He's great and we're working hard on training.
I have:

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  • Karen & Bailey

    bailey got the same bone/cookie for his birthday this past january and I tried to break that thing up in portions but it was as hard as a rock, im not sure how bailey was able to eat it without chipping a tooth!
  • Karen & Bailey

    FYI, the sf corgi meetup location has permanently changed to pine lake park. Please let all your corgi friends know. Entrance is on crestlake drive at vale ave. Hope to see you there!
  • Chelsea and Wyatt

    Soren is adorable as well! Was Chaps (AKC name: Prince Sausauroni Specklebelly), the sire by any chance? If so, then Soren and Wyatt are half-brothers. Haha.