

Marietta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love my dog.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My name is Gunner.
Likes: Long walks, chasing squirrels, and kitty cats, sleeping on my back, chew sticks, car rides, carrots, getting lots of kisses, visiting my grandma and grandpa, and being around my humans.
Dislikes: Storms, loud noises, riding in the backseat.
I have:

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  • ATLAsh

    Aww thanks so much for the compliment-- Jackson is flattered :)

    Gunner is tooo cute! Especially with that little green toy of his haha. adorable.

    I see you're in Atlanta:) One of Jackson's favorite past times is going to Piedmont dog park
  • Nicole & Turbo

    They do look alike! How old is Gunner? He also looks like he enjoys the good life - Turbo sleeps in the bed with us & he often puts his head on my pillow (so cute) - are they spoiled or what?
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Gunner: you are beautiful.. A Georgia Peach!! Gizmo goes to Macon alot to visit his grandmommie there. You all will be getting some beautiful leaves soon on the trees. I am from Macon. .. But have been in Florida for 30 years now. so I am practically a native.. Gizmo sleeps in our bed too.. but only will cuddle for a little while and then he wants to go to the foot of the bed in his "own" space. He is very spoiled.. They have that effect on us. LOL.