

Kent, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My husband and I live in Kent, WA with our corgi and our two kitties (who the doggie looooves to chase!)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
In 2008 my husband and I adopted our first corgi, Susie, a red and white Pembroke. She was the most beautiful, wonderful dog, and we enjoyed having her in our lives, even though it turned out to be for a very short time (she died of kidney faiulre 10 months later). Not long after that we decided to adopt a cardigan corgi named Joshua. He's young, energetic, playful and lots of fun!
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  • Jennie

    Love your profile picture of Joshua. Corgis have the happiest expressions! Maya also loves to herd our cat around and whenever that happens our cat is like "whatever".
  • Jamie Jo

    I'm so glad you guys had a good time at the walk yesterday! I wish I could have been there! The husband and I are definitely thinking of going to the camp out though :)
  • John Wolff

    We missed the Greenlake thing in August, but that's our stomping ground; we live near Northgate. Sorry we missed you. I run around Greenlake a lot and I always stop to talk to the corgis.