

Columbia, MD

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I work at a doggie daycare that also does boarding and training. My first dog was an Aussie mix who was a rescue. I wanted to do agility with him but at the time wasn't able. He's more than happy being a family dog, not too interested in activity or other dogs. I also have cats and a horse.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Harvey is my first PWC, he was born March 1, 2014 and is a red headed tri. He has been the best ever, and he's been getting me into the sport dog world. He loves everything we try! So far we do flyball, agility, and rally. Getting into disc soon too!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Vi, Justin, & Casey the Corgi

    Hi Grace!  I had a great time at the match last weekend!  How about you?  It was my first time seeing so many Corgis in one place and loved every single minute of it.  I wish we could've exchanged pictures of each other beforehand so I'd know to look for you!  Anyway, I didn't get to meet Anne or Carrie there, but I did chat with a man who had the most handsome red and white male named Jake.  He then introduced my boyfriend and I to Jake's breeder, Judy Gooding, who is located in Urbana.  Judy ended up introducing us to another breeder, Carol Openhym, who's in Towson.  Both were wonderful to talk to and super informative!  Neither have any puppies available now, but I have their info that I can pass on to you if you'd like.  

  • Jane

    Hi Grace, this is the seller I've bought my martingales from:

    I've been very happy with the quality of her collars. I have some that are several years old and are still going strong.

    I would not recommend the ones that don't have the nylon backing on them. I bought two from another seller and they didn't seem anywhere near as sturdy. Hope this helps!