Ann and Izzy


Alvin, TX

United States

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About Me:
I have had pets my whole life. Love having animals around. They are so calming. We got our first Corgi, Izzy, two years ago and we are hooked! We love Corgi meet ups.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Izzy is our wonderful tri-colored girl. She was born 1/24/10 in Arkansas. She is a very sweet loving girl. We just went back to Arkansas and got our second little girl. Taffy is a sable Corgi born on 1/29/12. She and Izzy have the same parents. Taffy actually belongs to our 14 yr old daughter, Breanna. She loves Izzy so much she wanted her own Corgi.
I have:

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  • DeeDea & Pudge

    Poor baby Taffy! I hope she feels better soon! Keep us updated!

  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Hope Taffy is doing better!
  • Ann and Izzy

    I sure hope 2013 is better than the end of 2012 for my poor Corgis (and my pocketbook!).  Taffy is not healing properly and may have to have more surgery!  Now we found out today that Izzy probably has colitis.  We had to take her to the ER at 1am last week.  The good news is that Max won a $200 gift certificate last week that our vet had donated to a choir function.  That has helped since Taffy has to have x-rays every 2 weeks!  Things will get better!