Linda Brock

72, Female

Mc Kittrick, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a 56 year old mother of 6 and grandmother of 14 who has been happily married to their father for over 33 years. We live out in the country on several acres we call Corgi Country. Besides our corgis, we also have a Border Collie (the pup's "Auntie Sadie") and three horses. We have a blog on blogger called Country Corgis.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
OC's mom and dad, purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgis have taken the rainbow bridge, but we still have OC (Ornery Cuss) and her two Chorgi (Chihuahua/Doxie/Corgi) pups, Dott (who took the Chi size and corgi coloring and coat), and BG (who took the Corgi size and his dad's coat and coloring).
I have:

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  • corgilover10

    thank you for the information. Very helpful! When I feel I've given Scout enough grieving time..I'm going to look for two new brother's that I know will get along with Tucker...he is such a sweet, gentle boy. Scout's front paw started hurting 3 weeks from the day he was put to sleep. No other signs of anything wrong until he couldn't stand on his back legs a day before we brought him to the neuro surgeon for an MRI...she thought it was a ruptured disc in his neck, until she did the MRI and called me to tell me that he had spinal column cancer and bone cancer. We were not expecting anything like that. We were preparing to come up with the $6,000. for the surgery...not put him to sleep. Shock doesn't even come close to what I feel and so sad losing one of my boys. His brother/littermate seems ok, maybe confused. They had just turned 9 in July. Not long enough. So much pain, wonder if it's worth it....but I know it is..because it doesn't come close to all the love and joy he brought me for 9 yrs. I'm not the dog owner who just lets them out and feeds them. I play with them, sing to them, walk, take rides, clip nails, clean eyes, teeth, ears, dirty ass, brush them and play hide and seek...swim...etc.. I'm home during the day..and they are my babies. An empty void is what I feel...and try to hide for Tucker. Everyday gets a little easier...and new pups will help a lot. thank you for all your info, and the chat.
  • Deanna

  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!!