Annemarie Kaufman


Lafayette, IN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love Corgi's and am having a hard time not getting another one.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi's name is Fergus. He is extremely shy. He spends most of his time under the bed if someone else is in the house. Once he warms up to someone he is their best friend. Some people he loves immediately.
I have:

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Annemarie Kaufman

    *Copy & repost with your answers!*
    You can only use ONE word to answer about your Corgi & you can't reuse any answers... 
    -Your Corgi's name:
    1. Your Corgi's personality is:
    2. Your Corgi's bark is:
    3. Your Corgi's favorite thing to do is:
    4. Your Corgi's best 'trick' is:
    5. Your Corgi's fur is:
    6. If your Corgi could be anywhere it wanted to be, where would s/he go?:
    7. Your Corgi's mortal enemy is:
    8. Your Corgi's favorite treat is:
    9. If your Corgi could speak to you, what would it ask for?:
    10. Life without your Corgi would be:
    I'll start it out!!!
    -Your Corgi's name: Fergus
    1. Your Corgi's personality is: Shy
    2. Your Corgi's bark is: Sharp
    3. Your Corgi's favorite thing to do is: cuddle
    4. Your Corgi's best 'trick' is: paw
    5. Your Corgi's fur is: dirty he needs a bath
    6. If your Corgi could be anywhere it wanted to be, where would s/hego?: park
    7. Your Corgi's mortal enemy is: the cat
    8. Your Corgi's favorite treat is: mini marshmallows 
    9. If your Corgi could speak to you, what would it ask for?: please let me eat the cat 
    10. Life without your Corgi would be: lonely
  • Denise Gilbert James

    Red Ribbon