Randy & John

East Point, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Cornell, MI & Church Point, LA, now living in the hood in East Point, GA
About Me:
Just a Corgi lover
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have two Pembroke Corgis, Marty and Dylan. They are the best Corgis and always bring on a smile. Marty (tri-male 11 yrs), well he's the Sheriff in town. He will definitely let you know. Dylan is our new rescue, and he is working out great. He's still a little shy, but he's getting better every day.

They love riding the pool float in the summer. I have to put Marty on it, otherwise he will try to herd everyone in the pool and run around and around incessantly. Good exercise I guess, but I have to keep it to a minimum to protect his paws.
I have:

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  • Karen

    Beautiful dogs! It would be difficult to imagine life without a couple of corgis underfoot!
  • Karen

    lol That would be Cosmo "The Large!" He CAN just barely curl up in that bed... and frankly it IS too small for him.....but he absolutely loves it and refuses to part with it. Have a great day and Happy New Year!
  • George V

    We are a Corgi Family, currently we have 3 Corgis in the family and are looking at 3 more this summer, plus at least one litter.