ManTau 饅頭


Hong Kong

Hong Kong

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Hong Kong
About Me:
My name is Brenda. Nice to meet you. Please go visit my blog:
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hi, my name is Man Tau ( 饅頭 , chinese bun). I was adopted by daddy and mommy on Jan 6, 2008. I am now living in Hong Kong with my daddy mommy. I always hear them saying that I have a brother living in Boca Raton with daddy mommy's daddy mommy. I wish someday I could go to the U.S. to visit them.
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  • Gary & Jo + Peb

    I saw your blog, very nice photos!
    饅頭 is like a bigger version of Pebble, they look very much alike.

    Where do you live in Hong Kong?
    My parents now live in 麗港城, but there they don't allow pets.
  • ManTau 饅頭

    Oh, thanks! We live in North Point. My complex does not allow dogs too so I always need to smuggle 饅頭 outside with a bag, so it is important to watch 饅頭's weight. Hahaha. :) Pebble is so cute and still baby-like, I love it! 饅頭 is pretty much all grown-up now and I miss his little baby look!
  • Sam Tsang
