
, Female

Profile Information:

About Me:
My mom gave me amber for my birthday a year and three months ago. I didn't really want a dog, but now i can't imagine life without her!
About My Corgi(s):
I am a year and a half old corgi that loves football. I can play fetch, chase the bike for a mile and i even survived being hit by a car!

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  • Joy

    How's my sister doing? I get so excited when I smell the air close to your home...then I know I am going to Amber's house!
    Amber's people love me. Maybe I will go swimming, but I prefer the lake w/my lifejacket. Too hot? Just jump in the lake, that takes care of it. Then my human mom just scoops me up like an attache'.
    Amber's human mom has a birthday soon...maybe we can go to Plano and climb on the tank! Lick & snif snif oops almost forgot no lifting leg, Ricky
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Come check us out! I just started a group for all Texans (or former Texans) and their corgis:
  • Lauren + Winston