
42, Female

San Francisco, CA

United States

Profile Information:

San Francisco
About Me:
Born and raised in San Francisco and am a graduate student studying Physical Therapy with a special interest in Canine Rehab. I fell in love with the corgis after taking care of my cousin's corgis. My boyfriend and I decided to get our corgi Bella after I moved to So Cal for grad school, to keep him company while I was away and it was the best decision we ever made.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bella is a red and white PWC born on Aug 24, 2007 and was the runt of the litter. She is about a year and a half and celebrated her first birthday last year at the Giants Dog Days of Summer. Go Giants! She loves to cuddle, play ball all day and go on her favorite walk at Fort Funston! She also loves playing with her two corgi cousins Mitts and Stubby!
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  • Karen & Bailey

    Thanks Bella!!!!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    hi bella!!! :) it was nice seeing you at the meetup and you were really nice to me!!! hope to see you soon!! check out our blog @!
  • Cindy, Chris, & Remy

    Hi Bella! Chris here (after a 3 year hiatus from I see you've taken a break as well lol. Cindy had mentioned that our Remy had a sister on the site and I just had to pop in and see. I definitely see the similarities (esp. when Remy was younger). Hey, their birthday is coming up! Well, take care!