59, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Moxie's Mom.
About My Corgi(s):
Moxie, Female, Tri-color, Born 1/13/08
Moxie was adopted by my siamese cat Lila as soon as she arrived. Moxie is the best dog, very smart and exceptionally headstrong! She knows how to make me laugh! Even with her puppy energy she still knows how to calm down and relax. She gets out tons of energy playing with her cat. She loves to meet new people, run in circles, and smile big corgi smiles with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

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  • Shelby Shirley

    Hi - welcome to the group. I am fairly new too. I do see a lot of similarities in our girls. your Moxie's stripe is a little wider than my Sadie's. As Sadie has gotten older most of the black on her head has turned to red like your's will probably do too. She is also getting quite a bit more red coming up her shoulders and her back legs too. I truely wanted a red and white for my first corgi but I had to put my older house dog to sleep in January and needed a new friend desperately. A friend of mine in town here raises corgies and they only had tri's and sables available. I love Sadie's red head and I do think as she matures she'll end up with more red all over than she has right now. Aren't their big ears funny when they are little? But enjoy her now - just like real kids they grow so fast! Shelby
  • Kim

    Thank you! Moxie is also quite adorable. I wish that Mia was that size again. This site has a lot going on, I'm trying to figure everything out!
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy B Day!