Colleen Cuzzone

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Arrington, TN
About Me:
I am a registered nurse in my mid 40's, married with two teenagers. I love all kinds of animals, particularly horses and dogs. We live in a rural area in TN surrounded by cattle and horse farms.
About My Corgi(s):
Our two corgis have the run of the house and our lives pretty much revolve around them: In, out, feed me, play with me, etc. The oldest Corgi is Kacey To The Max or just Kacey. She's a six-year-old tri-color and the sweetest, most humble dog I've ever known. Lilly is a two-year-old fawn and white female who is very energetic, an attention-grabber, has a loud piercing "pay attention to me" bark, and can run and jump faster and higher than I thought possible for such a little dog! The "girls" basically get along well but there is heel nipping, tussles, and wrestling. They love to play tug-of-war, swim in the pool, and be groomed.

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  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! You'll enjoy it here. In our household we feel that having corgis is like eating Lays Potato Chips - you can't have just one. ;-) The girls are absolutely adorable!
  • Cindi

    Welcome, Colleen. They're just adorable! And on a farm, no less. I know they have a blast.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Colleen! Your babies are adorable :) I used to go to school in TN and just lived it there, I wish I will have a ranch with cattle and corgis someday :)