Lane Reedy

81, Female

Saint Paul, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Saint Paul
About Me:
I recently moved back to Minnesota from Wyoming, where I got my Corgi, Poker. I recently met a member at a dog park and am delighted to have found this site.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Poker is an 18-month old neutered male whois very devoted and loveable. He is also very fluffy, has a beautiful coat, so he looks bigger than he is. He's a wonderful companion and a total delight.
I have:

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  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Lane and Poker! He sounds beautiful; I hope you can post a picture so we can see how cute he is.
  • Carmen

    Hi Lane!

    I'm sorry I missed your comment. My email has been off, so I missed your message. We definitely would love to have you at the picnic. It is set for June 20 at Pihl's Parl outside of Wells, MN. Can't wait to meet you and Poker.
  • Carmen

    Hi Lane and Poker! It was so wonderful to meet you both at the picnic. Thanks for the pictures. It was a nice treat to receive in the mail.