

Hurley, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Tuscaloosa, AL
About Me:
Wisconsinite living and working (chemist) in Alabama.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I adopted Paco, a Pembroke corgi, from the humane society Fall of 2007 and have become smitten by the breed.
I still can't understand why anyone would give this great dog away. He is a bit peculiar. He doesn't play with anything that he can't eat, doesn't chase balls or squirrels, is afraid of cats, loves everyone he meets, is afraid of pumpkins, is an expert high-five giver, enjoys howling with us, and only talks to my fiance. I wouldn't have him any other way.
Sadly, Paco lost a fight against and unknown ailment on Valentine's day of 2013. He is sorely missed.

Early Spring of 2009 we acquired Erma, our second Pembroke corgi. She's 8 and quite timid still. She loves chasing a tennis ball and has a very opposite personality of Paco. They're still working things out about who gets lap rights. Erma has some confidence issues which we're going to work on so she doesn't get so scared when new dogs sniff her butt. She's super sweet and LOVES belly rubs and insists that you never stop once you've started.
Since the death of Paco, she's taken on the huge responsibility of caring for her two owners by herself and accepting all of the burden of full attention and abundant treats.

Update: Erma has now passed too. Her spleen gave out at the ripe age of 13. Her last moments were spent in my arms on the shore of Lake Superior. She is sorely missed.

We have now adopted Gunner since moving to Alabama. He was posted on as a corgi mix in Lawrenceburg, TN. We were told he was confiscated from a home where 12 dogs were left to run free in a backyard. He was near feral when captured by animal services. The owner agreed to reduce her number of dogs to 6 giving up Gunner and some of his friends. He wasn't properly socialized so we've been working on that. We do know his father was a Cardigan and his mother was a Pembroke. His body shape is like the Cardigan with brindle and white markings and a sleek body and coat. The expressions me makes are so much like Paco it's unnerving some times. But, his personality reminds me so much more of Erma. I feel like both of my lost pups Paco and Erma are somehow embodied in Gunner. Of course, he has his own personality and unique appearance and we love him. People are always asking if he's a purebred corgi. We reply with corgi/corgi to which most people get confused. At home we describe Gunner as half corgi, half corgi, half otter.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Kristen

    When we have added a new dog, I always worried about "offending" the other (s), but , from experience, I think the additions have made our other dogs better. Good luck. Your concerns mean you are on the right path. It doesn't always work out, but all you can do is try. How lucky both your furkids are!
  • EvilTwin

    Hi!! I read your post on rescued corgis, it sounds like she just needs some time, love, patience and belly rubs! :) It took a little while for Lilly to feel like she really belonged! She has problems like yours, she was so affraid of other dogs, people, etc! And now look at her! She is a corgi extrordinaire!! Twinkie is our newest addition, she was a "forclosure dog". It only took her 1 day, and she wanted to rule the roost! They are all different, and would all have a different story to tell if they could talk. I hope it works out, and if not please give her to a corgi rescue.
  • Deidra

    Paco got very sick and did not survive. He died on Valentine's Day. He is greatly missed. We are trying to learn to live without our beautiful little guy.