Linda Buchanan


Escondido, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have two wonderful Corgi's Sapphire and Willow
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sapphire is 12 and we think Willow is 8 months old.
I have:

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  • Carly & Finn

    Hi Linda! I also live in Escondido & was hoping you knew of a good trainer familiar with corgi behavior. If you do... I could really use some help! Thanks so much!


  • Carly & Finn

    He is super aggressive towards any new people or dogs on our walks... he turns into a totally different dog. We've tried the treat distraction method which only works for the mere seconds it takes him to inhale his food... I see that some people have recommended Johnknowsdogs but we did beginning obedience with him a few months ago & it felt like a big waste of time. So we are looking for someone to help Finn specifically with his aggression issues. Do you know of anyone? I'd love to take him to dog parks, etc but any time we have tried it doesnt go well...

  • Carly & Finn

    Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to me today! See you this weekend :)