

Logan, UT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I had two wonderful corgis until my divorce now im left with my corgi Mario while my ex keeps peach, I do miss her so.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have one corgi right now

Mario the "Chubby Puppy" he is 7 years old born Feb. 24th 2004, Hes what I call my "tank dog" because if anytings in his way hes gonna push his way threw. Hes also my little trick pony, if its jumping threw a hoop or waving hes gonna do anything for food! He also Loves playing ball. After gettin Mario. My parents wanted their own, so they went and got Mario's younger guessed it Luigi!

Peach the Princess is 3 Years Old. She was born April 13th 2008, she currently lives with my ex but I still hope one day to get her back :)
I have:

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  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Trying to organize a meetup for next weekend and hubby said he was going to miss Mario.  Just thought I would drop you a line to let you know you guys will be missed!

  • Ruth Parkinson

    Hi Alicia, where in Houston do you live?  We are living at the Brompton Apts rather close to MD Anderson Cancer Center and we just got a precious little Tri fur-baby PWC who just turned 12 weeks old this week.  His name is "Hogan Dahy" which means "Little Lad, Quick and Agile".  We are trying to get all his puppy shots in order, so he can go to the meet-ups and have fun with other fur-babies.   Your Corgis are beautiful!! the perfect combination...Tri and Red and White.  We have been living here in Houston, while my husband and I have been getting treatments for cancer.  We are out here from California, as my husband has a rare form of Lymphoma and this was the best place in the world for him to come. Where we were in Cali, they did not know much about this type of cancer at all.  About two weeks ago, his doctor here at MDACC told us that he is now in Complete Clinical Remission, so we are really celebrating this good news.  Right now, little Hogan is in Seabrook, TX with a friend of our sons that is puppy sitting him,as we can not have pets in our Apt.  We miss Hogan so much and only get to see him when it is convenient mainly to the sitter, who works.  Hopefully, we can find another place closer to Houston for him, so we can see and spend time with him more ofter.

    How do we find out when and where the meet-ups are being held?  We are new on, so don't really know our way around yet.  : ) 

  • Ruth Parkinson

    Alicia, my mistake!!  What a boo boo, just realized you have 2 red and whites not a Tri and Red and White!! My bad!! LOL