pat and mike

Pasadena, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Pat: McLean, Virginia -- Mike: Benton, Illinois
About Me:
We are so much in love with our little Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Trudy is a funny little thing. She has a genuine sense of humor and can be very stubborn. She is so sweet and smart and very pretty. You can see her on:
I have:

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  • Christy Lyn

    my fiance and his family are from here, so he said lets go be by my fam, so we came from colorado. it's nice here. where you live now?
  • Christy Lyn

    funny, we lived in colorado also, 30 miles west of springs,in canon city, by the royal gorge. before we got mater, he is so funny, wish i would have known more about his breed before too, just love him to death, he is more spolied than my kids.
  • David

    Thank you for the reindeer corgi card. It's a rare Siberian breed indeed!