

Kansas City, MO

United States

Profile Information:

Kansas City, Missouri
About Me:
I am a Corgi lover, and have been for quite a few years. In 2001 I rescued a Corgi/Chow mix from the pound and fell in love. Lady had the personality and build of a Corgi, but the fur and black tongue of a Chow. Unfortunately she is no longer with me. I will be getting my first purebred Corgi in September and I can't wait!

On a more personal, less dog-related note, my husband and I have been married for almost 2 years. I work as an accountant, not necessarily what I thought I would do when I grew up, but it pays the bills. I love sports of all kinds, working out, and not taking life too seriously.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I will be getting my first purebred Corgi in September and I'm so excited. It looks like she's going to be a red/white and we're naming her Ginger. I can't wait to get her home!
I have:

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  • Kelsey Carman

    Yup, you guessed right! Our Sebastien is a Wind Dial baby. Ginger looks like a cutie! I see a resemblance in the face for sure :D
  • Molly and Isabella

    Here's to the changing back hair stripe! How funny that this area is making itself known! I'd think it would have been more of an all-over, gradual change. Ginger is a CUTIE!
  • Einstein Batista

    Red Ribbon