, Female

San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

San Antonio, TX
About Me:
Although, Izzi is the first Corgi I have owned, I am a long time Corgi lover. Izzi and I live with our beloved Akita, Georgia.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Izzi is now a 3 year old tri colored Corgi. Although females are only supposed to get to a weight of 29lbs at the most.....Izzi now weighs in at 44 lbs of mostly muscle. This is surprising because her parents were both quite small. We had a bad year last year, with Izzi tearing both her ACL's. It took a while for full recovery, but currently she's extremely healthy, happy, and full of energy.
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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! What a cutie Izzi is! My brother in law have a pembroke corgi named Isabella and call her Izzy for short! Lance says Hi also!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Who is Izzi sitting next to in picture number 3?

    hi Izzi, Happy Valentine's Day to you and Waggit...Mommy and Cindy took me to the Spa yesterday and I am so pretty and soft for Valentine's Day....Hope to see you soon...Kisses and Treats...Corkie...