

Ann Arbor MI

United States

Profile Information:

It's MY hometown!!!!
About Me:
I really would like to get a corgi, same thing with my friend!!! I would name her Antoinette (after one of my "like to read about" idols Marie Antoinette) , Mocha (because I like Ice Mochas) , or Cream Puffy (I just like the name) !!! I really would like to visit Paris and tour London and visit almost every famous place in the world! I really like enjoying the time I have with my friends! I love laughing, collies, corgis, having fun, going shopping for old unique things at old shops, making crafts, learning new facts about famous historic old people, and a lot more things that I can't seem to remember since there are so many! Well thats me, and I'm always in need of something sweet! :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I don't have one (yet)! But I really want one!!!!

P.S. They're all so cute!!!
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

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  • Applejack Pembrokes

    I am a corgi breeder in Southern MI near Monroe, I have two litters right now, ready to go in early and mid May. E-mail to and I will send pics of new "Kids".
  • Applejack Pembrokes

    I have two litters of corgi pups right now, ready to go in May E-mail
  • Jessica
