Bud Fleming


Elmira, New York

United States

Profile Information:

Elmira, New York 14904
About Me:
Born and grown up in Elmira. All of my life we've had corgi(s).
I've got two dogs that were abused and abandoned. 15" Beagle and Manchester. I'm a Professional Truck Driver with over 14+ years doing 48 states driving for Prime Inc. out of Springfield,Mo.
I was to be home for March 1st and 2nd, 2009 but staff goofed things up
and I got home much later and took couple days off to catch up on tiny few things. When departing back to over the road in the rig I left Fiddler the
beagle at the house with my wife. He's become "mighty security dog"
and is enjoying it to the tee. Rusty the Manchester being alone on the
truck feels abandoned from his beagle daddy and sleeps/sulks alot unless
it's time to go outside or get a doggie treat. He'll adjust I hope soon.

My mother has Benji (Pembroke). Benji and mom are living with my sister and family in Mexico,NY. I can take a guess that Benji is possibly hurding all the shelties there? And Patty mom's cat is keeping tabs on mom?
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My dog prior was Tricky. Cardigan Walsh Corgi. She passed away on me from health and age. Then before her was another Corgi and his name was Rebel. He passed away from cancer.
They were involved with me in K9 Drill Team and Dog Shows, and also they enjoyed it when we (K9 Drill Team) took part in Parades. Loosing them was like a major chunk of my life being ripped away forever!
Rebel was if I remember correctly 5th generation of Belinda the Corgi that us kids grew up with.
I have:
No corgi

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  • Jessica

    You did it right for a change. You put your doggie picture on as your main picture!! LOL j/k Love you Dad!!! Welcome to the club. Frisbee and Ruby say "HI" and they cant wait to see you.
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hi Bud we were just checking in on you. Love the new pictures.
  • Tammey & Caven

    Thanks for the comment Bud. Bear is such a little ham we are constantly finding new places to take his picture.