Suzy Sowder

Fairfax, VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Tenby's mom.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tenby is a red headed tri-color Pembroke...a little "big", but we think he's big boned... :).
I have:

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  • Roger/Laurie

    It would help if I would read my page first and spell Welsh correctly!!!

  • Roger/Laurie

    So tell me about your Tenby, how old is he? Ours crazy boy sweetheart will be 7 in April. He drives is "serious" brother insane (Chepstow is 8).

    We got Tenby as a rescue when he was 6 months old.  He had zero social or other dog skills.  He had been living in a crate most of his life.  It has been a long hard road but he is almost (?) normal.  He is so loving and just melts into your arms when it is cuddle time.

    Our Tenby had the  black in front of his ears when he was younger but has become a real redhead as he got older. We think your Tenby is very handsome.  Chepstow said "OH NO....not another one".

  • Roger/Laurie

    I hadn't seen the Tenby suffed animal.  It is so cute, might have to order one. Thanks for sending the link.