Ashley Gerlach

38, Female

Clarksburg, WV

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Well I am a very pet oriented person.. I Love animals i have 9 cats and now one very Special new pet, Jak my Tricolor Pembroke Corgi, I love all of my pets!
About My Corgi(s):
I just Got Jak on November 4th 2008.. But he is already taking on such big obstacles, He has been here a day and is doing remarkable.. He is not at all scared of my cats he is litter trained and goes outside too.. he is crate broke and very smart and attentive!! He already understands sit and come.. Stay is gonna be a work in progress.. he had a long trip here from Ohio and never got sick or had any accidents I am so proud of him.. He is a Doll Baby that is for Sure!

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