Sadie May


Chesapeake, VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Monica and Sadie is my fourth corgi but my first Pembroke. I enjoy spending time with her doing therapy, taking walks, and spoiling her! :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a 9-year old Pem and her name is Sadie. She is the best dog I've ever had and I love her dearly. She is a Certified Therapy Dog and loves to be busy. She loves to walk, run and take rides in the car. Mostly, she loves her humans and enjoys spending time with them.
I have:

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  • Robert and Ein Hayes

    Did you say you know of some Corgis in your area that may come to the park?

  • Robert and Ein Hayes

    So far only four, five counting myself. I know of a few Corgis in Chesapeake but they have not rsvped yet. Sometimes they go a few weeks without checking in on the site. I did find a young couple with a puppy, 9 weeks or so, just down the road from me, I think they may come. Her name is Courtney Stults and her little boy is Shortie. Also invited a future Corgi owner so she can "see what she is in for". It may be a lite turn out but will still be fun and a beautiful walk.

  • candice sanchez

    Yeah. I have a tendency to go a bit camera crazy. I really enjoy it. We get tank in two weeks. And I will take a zillion live of him too. I'm very much looking forward to getting him out to play with the other corgis. Training and socialization are top on my priority list for him. :) gota make site he is a "good boy!" We had such a good time at the meet, I don't want him to be the dog that gets "uninvited" to the play dates! Hahahahahaha