Sue Reedy


Lafayette, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have always had a corgi, currently have a sable and white little girl who just turned 8 and we got each other when she was 10 weeks old.

She herds the cats around and plays with the Cairn who also lives with us.

Would be interested in fostering a corg if needed, and would love to attend some corgi related events.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Male black and tan, sable and white All my guys were Pembrokes. Never had the pleasure of meeting a cardigan except in the shelter when I worked as an ACO.
I have:

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Aw..thanks. We are having a snow storm right now...accumulation isn't that bad yet but its windy causing alot of drifting. Corgis love the snow. I love to watch them run in it, sliding to stops causing these big dust snow clouds. The snow keeps them clean specially since these guys love to wrestle one another but I do dread the thaw this spring. I would love to artificially turf part of my back yard. Would make things so much more pleasant during the wet times. My pup area outside is 12'x21' with the artificial turf and I love it. Its the best thing I could of done for the pups.
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Hi Sue! I just saw the comment you left for me back on the 23rd. Sorry I didn't respond, some glitch, didn't see it until today. Anyway to answer your questions, no we don't do any herding trials. We are starting to do agility. And I mean really just started. We are looking for an area near us, most of them are about an hour away. If nothing else there is a dog park near. And my husband has made a few of the pieces so I can take them to the park. It would just be nice to have a group to be with. I would love to see photos and what are the names of your furry kids?