Angela Lang


Austin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My 16 year old Basset Hound mix, Honey, passed away in my arms yesterday, 1/23/2013 and I am looking for a new puppy to love.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I am looking for a Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy or a young female red and white (preferably with a tail). My 16 year old Basset Hound mix, Honey, passed away in my arms yesterday, 1/23/2013. I appreciate any info you have and hope to hear from you soon.


Angela Lang
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson

    So sorry to hear about Honey :(  best of luck in your search for a corgi! 

  • Jane Christensen

    So sorry for your loss!

  • Jane Christensen

    I truelly believe when the time is right you will find your pup...I know it's hard to wait but you will find him/her:)