

Newport News, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Newport News, VA
About Me:
A Pembroke Welsh Corgi owner!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Her name is Wendy and she is AWESOME!
I have:

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  • Marion Hebert

    Hi ....just wanted to touch base with you now that summer is over and the terrible heat is a thing of the past and see if anyone wants to go for a walk again. Also wanted to let you know that several of us in this area are working on sheep hearding lessons. Apparently their are several persons that are qualified to teach and contacts are being made to see what we can do about learning this art and giving our dogs a new sport. One is in New Kent and one person lives in Dinwiddie....Let me know if you might be interested in a walk in the park and if you have any interest in the sheep herding. Hope you had a good summer. Sammy and Merry are really glad to have the cooler weather.
  • Robert and Ein Hayes

    Hello Wendy and Christina and welcome to Cogris of Virginia Beach. As soon as I have a schedule after Labor Day ( aka, dogs now alowed on beach day) I will post a few dates and we can take a vote. Looks like a Sunday afternoon would be best. Any ideas, questions, or comments are appreciated and please post on the member page. Oh! and Wendy is a little cutie!

  • Robert and Ein Hayes

    Come play on the beach! Oct 15 at 2pm. meeting at Neptune on 31st street.