Daniel M


mississauga ON


Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in Mississauga Ontario and love the corgi breed. I now own a wonderful corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cooper is a energetic Red and Corgi, he was our first corgi. When he reached the age of one we added Suzie to the family, who is a very calm Tri coloured corgi
I have:

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  • Micaela

    Lol. You're welcome.
  • Worthington Natalia

    Daniel, beautiful dogs! I have a question about grooming. In this photo (http://www.mycorgi.com/photo/img0342-4?context=latest)  your pup on the left has a very neat 'bunny butt cut'. I'd like to get the same for my Tod. But I am not sure if folks at Petco know how to trim corgis' butts:) If you trimmed it yourself, do u have any pointers? Thanks.
  • Kayley & Sawyer

    Hey Daniel,
    Sawyer and I, just wanted to come by and say hey! ... We wanted to invite you to join our GTA Corgi Facebook group. We'd like to start having a Corgi meet and would love if you could come. Please feel free to join our group, and well invite any Toronto Corgi's that you know! https://www.facebook.com/groups/504234982929027/

    Kayley & Sawyer