sarah keegan


Santa Rosa, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Santa Rosa, Ca
About Me:
I'm the proud mom to two Pembroke Welsh Corgis
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Blake is my Tri boy and Callie is my red and white girl. They are 3 years old.
I have:

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  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    Hey Sarah!I hope you memorial weekend is going well.Have you taken you 2 pups to the wine country meetups?noticed most are from your neck of the woods,but I'd love to bring over our 2 plus Logan the grandpup from Cotati.Please let US KNOW IF YOU HAVE!!
  • Shonda Purvis

    HI Sarah, it's Michael. I found you just by Googling around. This Corgi site wouldn't let me register for some reason, so Shonda did it for me. Things are well, we sold the house and are now full time RVers, that's why we are just passing through. I've Googled you, your mom, and Dan over the years, just to keep up. I knew it was you when I saw your photo, I could still see that little 3 year old child in your eyes... I'd like to see if your mom would like to get together but I don't know how to reach her. It would be fantastic to see all of you! I don't know how to properly exchange contact info here. Any ideas?
  • Jess & Willie <3

    hey Sarah, no we haven't heard anything about her yet :( ... I will be sure to keep all my corgi friends updated as soon as we find her (which apparently will be soon as my best friend has informed me we will have her back by the end of the week, because she said so... now isn't that just sweet of her? ... what a relief ;)