Rosie & Sport


San Marcos, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Uvalde, TX
About Me:
I'm a 21 year old student at Texas State University. I love to bake, workout, watch movies, sew and relax. I'm an adventurous, spontaneous gal with an amazing family. My friends don't come too far behind. I have also been blessed with an amazing boyfriend, who made my dream of having a corgi come true (he's like Disneyland! =P)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have always wanted a Corgi. I finally was blessed with the perfect pup. His name is Sport. He's a fun loving, hilarious, super sweet companion. Sport is 1 year old. He has an amazing spirit that just brightens your day. Sport loves to run and play. He chews on everything and finds it necessary to eat his food in halves, cutting straight down the bowl. He cuddles with my when I sleep. I love to dress him up in jerseys, polo shirts, hoodies and costumes for holidays. Sport is very loved and spoiled by his grandparents. He is absolutely the perfect match for me. We're made for each other.
I have:

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  • Ein Danger

    The Corgi Meet-Up/Ein's Party has been cancelled due to weather once again. Our apologies for any inconveniences. Please refer back to Ein's page or the South Texas group for more information when it becomes available.
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Thanks for the comment, sorry Sport didn't win tonight.. but I am sure he was the cutest one there :-) He is very handsome!
  • Scooter

    hey there! im currently living in san marcos too, nice to meet you. such a beautiful dog you have.